How to Improve the Financial Health of Your Company

If you run a healthcare practice, remaining financially viable should be a top priority. An economically sound practice will allow you to provide your patients with the best possible care and treatment and invest in future growth. A significant contribution to the financial health of practices today is implementing revenue cycle management (RCM). Revenue cycle…

Qualities of a Good Substance Abuse Billing Company

Healthcare is a constantly changing industry, especially when it comes to billing practices, and the world of substance abuse treatment can be even more of a wild card. With nearly constant new regulations and complicated insurance procedures, it’s easy to feel like you’re in over your head. You need to plan ahead to ensure your…

Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management Solutions for You

For many, it feels as if healthcare revenue cycle management becomes more complicated every year. With new medical codes, regulations, and guidelines released every year, it can be challenging to catch up and stay ahead of the curve. Healthcare facilities are established to care for patients and improve the lives of the individuals in their…

Why Is Utilization Review Important in Healthcare?

Utilization review, or the process of reviewing an episode of care, is often necessary to justify charges and payments to an insurance company and can also be valuable in determining the best course of action to care for a patient. Encouraging complete documentation and oversight is paramount to running a successful practice. The system of…

Addiction Consulting for Outpatient Treatment Providers

Addiction treatment providers must stay on top of various regulations and keep their treatment protocols and facility policies to keep up in this constantly evolving industry. Without a smoothly operating system, an organization can fall prey to any number of setbacks, including lawsuits, declining business, or regulatory complaints. Addiction treatment consulting services can help you…

How an Outside Perspective Can Benefit Your Billing Process

Healthcare facilities, regardless of their specialization, are a necessary component of a community. It’s vital that these facilities work at maximum efficiency, keeping track of innumerable moving parts to ensure that clients have access to necessary treatment and care. This is precisely why many organizations are counting on an outside perspective in the form of…